Install File Troubles?

If you were having problems with the installation, I apologize. I found and fixed a couple of problems with the setup package and I’ve uploaded a new version to the release folder, so if you click on the download button in the product page, you should get the right file now.

In case you have a caching issue and you end up downloading the same file again, here’s a temporary direct download link to version 2010.10.06.

For anyone interested, the problem was that SoapBox Snap was using an older version of NLog, an error logging library that had a dependency on the “Extended” .NET 4 framework. Most computers have .NET 4 installed already, but they have the “Client Profile”, not the “Extended” one. Unfortunately, the installer was sending you to the page to download the Client Profile, which didn’t help. I upgraded the NLog library to one that no longer has a dependency on the Extended framework, so it should go smoother. I also recompiled everything explicitly for x86 architectures (instead of x64) since the Phidgets library may be dependent on x86 and might be causing some issues on those of you with fancy new 64 bit computers. By making x86 explicit, it forces a 64 bit operating system to load it into a compatibility mode, which is generally what you want.


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